Celebration of Krishna Janmashtami

Every day we experience something new, unknown and unseen which we never thought about it. The thing that we come across becomes a part of experience in our life.
The celebration of Krishna Janmashtami on 28th of August 2013, that was celebrated at Hindu Mandir, near Sherubtse College, Kanglung, has left a print in my heart. The programme was held jointly by the public and college students.

For the couple of days, I was eagerly waiting for the celebration of Krishna Janmashtami (Birth Anniversary of Lord Krishna) as I am interested in such things.
The programme started at 8am with few students and the public in and around of the campus. Mr. Madeo Prasad Kafley was the main person involved to perform puja (ritual), while others were busy in the preparation of the programme. Everyone was busy with their own works.

As evening took its lead, the guests start arriving and immediately the small gathering turned into a mass. Having served them with tea and Prasad, the vhajan team started to lead and then soon we could hear the melody of spiritual songs. Many people showed their talents in singing while others could be seen clapping their hands never knowing that they were dissolved in the sweetness of the melody songs.
Lord Krishna is 8th son of Vasudeva and Devaki and 8th incarnation of Lord Vishnu. He is also a supreme Lord in Hindu religion and his birthday is celebrated based on Hindu calendar and it was 2,126 birthday of Lord Krishna.

The programme finally ended at around 12:30 am with the devotees praying for Lord Krishna. It was such an enjoyable moment that ever happened. The celebration has been really an enjoyable moment.


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