Next day, I was late to class by 5 minutes. I was running up
to the class. I could notice silence of the students. I thought to myself that,
my scolding has worked and changed them. I knocked on the door and asked them
to open the door. Someone opened the door and I saw a student with a stick in
his hand, standing next to the door and asking me the reason why I was late to
the class? Other students were laughing hard. I was nervous and could not reply
him. I said, ‘I am sorry, I had class in class xi’. They not only made me
understand the importance of respecting our feelings but also they made me
realize that, we are human beings and we learn through mistake.
Teachers often feel that, students have problems but we don’t
realize that we have our own share of problems as well. Teachers want their
students to behave well in the class; students should be active, disciplined,
interactive, and silent, participate in the class and should respect their
teachers. But what if teachers don’t respect the feelings of the students? Will
that be fair?
Today students are not
only consumers of knowledge but producers of knowledge as well. If your
profession is by force then you cannot change anything but if you come by
choice then automatically you enjoy the profession.
When we see others
behavior, we forget ours. Teachers are in school to teach the students to grow
with the knowledge, moral values that determines their own lives and teach them
to stand on their own feet. Don’t simply control them because we don’t like
when someone control us. This is the fact of lives and the very existence. Be a
passionate teacher and give them some instructional wisdom that changes lives
of students in a positive way.
If students don’t
listen you or irritate you, politely ask them to be silent till you finish
teaching and give them a separate minutes for interactions where students can
openly share their opinions, views and ideas.
When students disturb
me, I can’t think properly, and when I can’t think properly I can’t teach
properly. I forget what actually am I teaching and my pronunciation gets stuck.
I remembered my PD programme, he said, ‘Honey catches more flies than sugar and
chilies”. Exactly and I do believe it. I teach my students the way I am.
Behind every smile,
there will be sadness, sufferings, troubles and unhappiness but in front of the
future leaders always teach them to be somebody in future. Don’t react in front
of students, take a deep breath and remain calm. Give chance to misbehaving
students to share their opinions.
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